Letter From The Founder

Letter From The Founder

Let me first start by saying thanks for taking time to visit FLY Empowerment Prep Centers “FLY EPC” website! FLY EPC has been a dream that has always been within me to do, however getting started was the kicker until I said within myself nothing starts without a move of action! So, I took a move of action and the birth of FLY Empowerment Prep Center that was a dream is now a reality!  I always wanted to open a business that would give back to children and the community. Now, I want to share with you just a little bit about me and with this you will see why this is important to me! School was not easy for me K-12 but I was always a hard worker, but also faked meaning I did not want people to know about my learning disability called dyslexia. Going through elementary school was hard as kids can be mean and I had to deal with that as I was in special ed class you know the little room in the classroom that was not with the full classroom with the other kids. This set-in lack of confidence and the self-talk of putting myself down because I did not feel normal as I did not learn the way others did.

Reading, Spelling, Math all of this was hard for me, but I was a hard worker, but did not always see the best part about me and that was I was not like everyone else and that was the best thing that happened to me when I believed it for me! I was held back in 3rd grade and that was a hard time. I had teachers tell me that I was dumb and could not read. I had guidance consolers tell me that I would not go to college and need to start thinking about what I want to do with my life. You can see how all of this, can be and was hurtful growing and I could tell you much more, but for time of this letter I can only share just a bit as I respect your time. With that FLY EPC serves to stand in the gap to help children that may have a hard time in school or just wanted extra help.

I am proud to say that I had some outstanding teachers in my life that seen something in me that I did not see in myself. These teachers took the time with me and had the passion with me and for me to teach me that I was not less nor stupide, but rather they showed me how to take what others would call dumb or not bright and showed me that my light was just as bright as anyone else, but my power was just generated different, but still shined bright! FLY EPC is just that, a place that anyone that light shins different can still shin and take that brightness back to the classroom and shine just like everyone in the room no matter where the power is coming from. FLY EPC, is a passion, passionate and positive program that your child can learn the way they learn and not be rushed, but raise to the place that we say…” Where every child takes flight” at FLY Empowerment Prep Center, LLC (FLY EPC)! This dream that turned to a vision and now happy to say a reality is here for any child that may struggle, or they may not but just want extra help, well FLY EPC is here for you. We have a wonderful staff that will help, work hard, and not give up on them, because just as much as I know they will FLY the teachers want the same and will help them take off!

So, I am grateful for this business, and I believe that this will grow, and we will see so many children that may feel ground being to take off and find their place in the sky of success as they take off and FLY with FLY Empowerment Prep Center, LLC…Because we believe at FLY EPC no one flight is grounded because they were always so post to FLY! Thank you for this opportunity and we hope you FLY by and take off just as I did and now flying back to give back with FLY Empowerment Prep Center, LLC FLY EPC “Where every child takes flight”!

Very Respectfully,

Jonathan Tilghman, Sr.


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